Tuesday, March 29, 2011


“Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath. Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. Just lie down.” -Natalie Goldberg

I have had to call upon my self care powers several times this week and it is only Tuesday.  

Yesterday - despite my best efforts to deal effectively with "the day of the moon" - was, indeed, so very Monday-like.

Keep in mind that if I truely possessed extraordinary self care abilities, I would probably not be so interested in this self care exploration.    Quite simply, sometimes self care does not come easy.   Sometimes things happen and you get yourself wound tight as a top before you realize that maybe this moment would be a good time to employ some self care.  

I think the boy scouts may have been on to something valuable when they adopted the motto "be prepared".  Lets face it (hate to be the bearer of bad news...) you are going to have times in the future where stress overwhelms you.  (messenger here- don't shoot)    You may be surprised to learn that you can plan for those nerve rattling events in advance.  

25 Stress Busters:
  1. Take a walk
  2. Take a hot bubble bath
  3. Light candles, sit and breathe
  4. Chop vegetables 
  5. Call a friend and talk it out
  6. Have sex (releasing those endorphins is great for stress)
  7. Write it down
  8. Play some soft music
  9. Watch your favorite movie
  10. Do yoga
  11. Get a massage, pedicure, manicure...spa day!
  12. Eat Ice Cream  
  13. Clean house  (this works for my friend Melinda K)
  14. Get someone to rub the back of your neck gently for 15 - 20 minutes (I read a great article on this in Whole Living a while back- interesting, this lowers blood pressure for women, but isn't so effective in that regard for men)
  15. Exercise
  16. Engage in a hobby
  17. Check out the Self Care blog  (shameless plug, I know)
  18. Buy yourself flowers
  19. Take a mental health day
  20. Buy some chocolat (don't forget the bow)
  21. Take a nap
  22. Have a cup of herbal tea
  23. Ask for what you need
  24. Hug a furry friend
  25. Pray
Please let me know if you have any other great stress busters to share.   (I feel better after just writing them down.)


Unknown said...

I had a massage today! Definitely a stress reliever!


Self Care Girl said...

That is the BEST kind of stress relief if you ask me!

natural stress relief said...

I agree, massage is the best kind of stress relief. You will feel so relax if you are having a massage and sometimes you feel so sleepy. It is just a good sign that all stress are getting out in you.