Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 2 - Take a Hike!

I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.  ~John Muir

I laughed when I saw this picture.   

I walk a fact, I think I could be a walking "expert"....this picture is the most ridiculous thing I have seen in a long time.  

If you are going to start walking and must look for a pictorial representation related to walking- for crying out loud- search Google for good for charity walks.   The last thing you are going to need is a picture of someone showing you HOW to walk.   If you have reached adulthood and walk from say...your living room to the fridge...your bed to your bathroom...well, you can rest assured that you are more than capable of figuring out this walking-just-about-anywhere thing.   It is not complicated.  

Mr Self Care and I were walking about 5 miles a night when we were both home.    Today, we are just getting settled in to our new temporary home in Melbourne, Australia and really feel the need to get back into that routine.   We love walking!

We have decided to use our car only to get to work.   We live in a very walkable community.   It takes about 20 minutes to walk to our favorite market and less than that to reach 3 different outlet malls.   There are paths all along the waterfront, to parks, to the beach....there is really no reason NOT to walk. 

Day 2 of our 31 days of self care challenge we made this commitment to each other:  we will walk as much as we can.   We grabbed our grocery tote and headed to the market this sunny spring morning.  

Walking is good self care for many reasons:  

  1. It is fabulous low impact exercise. 
  2. It is a great way to think things out
  3. It is one of the best forms of transportation for the environment
  4. It is a great way to connect with someone you love. 
  5. It is a wonderful way to get fresh air and see sites that you might not otherwise see. 

Did you do something healthful today?   Let us know!

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