Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spiritual Sunday: Let Go, Let God.

3 things I am going to let go of today:
  1. The housework.  Housework-when done correctly-can kill you. The fact that it is never really done should be a good indicator of how it should be prioritized. has some great tips for getting and staying on top of the household chores.  I vow to do what I can and not stress out about what doesn't get done.
  2. My young adult son.  He is on his own now and while I am not thrilled with the path he is on, I know I need to accept that he is making his own journey.  He knows that I am here and that I love him. There is a lot he is doing that is very good and right...I have to focus on that and let go of the rest.
  3. My upcoming workweek.  The weekend is never long enough when you aren't getting a lot of satisfaction from your job.   And it definately isn't long enough to waste dwelling on tomorrow.  I need to be in the present today to fully enjoy spending time relaxing with my husband.  I can worry about Monday when Monday arrives.
 How about you?  Is there anything you need to let go of today?  

Accept what you cannot change.  Change what you can.  Be wise enough to know the difference.

Take Good Care!

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