Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Care and Feeding of Your Soul in 10 Steps

You don't have a soul.  You are a Soul.  You have a body.  -C S Lewis

Many of us, at some time or another, have spend time in thoughtful analysis of what exactly the Soul is.   To simplify, I define a Soul as our very complex life forces.   We each are one- according to CS Lewis- and for the most part we are not static; each of us have grown since we first came into existence,  and we continue to change to become completely authentic in who we are.

Spirituality is the nurturing of our life force; the self-care of the Soul.   It too must be an authentic practice.  What "feeds" your soul is unique, only you can judge if something is nurturing or detracting.  I cannot tell you what to do specifically to care and feed for your soul, however I can provide some exercises to get you thinking and practicing.

This is by no means a complete list…I wrote it in about 20 minutes….it is simply several places from which to start.   Please feel free to post any other Soul-full suggestions I have missed.
  1. Define yourself.   Make a list of 100 things about YOU.  Begin with the words “I am…” and build your authentic list from there.   See my list here.
  2. Take quiet time each day to reflect on who you are and what your purpose is.
  3. Ask yourself often “What do I need right now?” (Follow up by giving yourself what you need if you are able!)
  4. Know and practice your talents and passions.  What do you do well, what do you love to do? 
  5. Remind yourself often who benefits from your existence (even in small ways you touch lives) and create new ways to benefit others (a simple compliment can make someone’s entire day!)
  6. Do something each day that brings you joy, peace and inspiration – make it a routine!
  7. Meditate, pray, analyze, study, reflect.  
  8. Act in accordance with who you are.  (You know right away when you aren’t doing this, because you don’t feel quite happy or right)
  9. Surround yourself with people who love and support you
  10. Seek counsel from wise souls.
Soul-fullness is truly what self-care is all about!  It is foundational to your mental, emotional, physical, volitional, and social well-being. 

Take Good Care!

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