My February Status on the goals and objectives I set for myself for 2013: (Updates in blue!)
- Run a 5k
- Take a Tropical Holiday: Planning anniversary trip to Kauai in July
- Hike to Lake Annette and camp
- Go Kayaking
- Lose 50lbs: Down 18lbs since beginning of year, so 32lbs to go!
- Get 10,000 fans on Self Care Girl: 4290 fans, so 5710 to go
- Simplify everything I can: I have been actively cleaning out cupboards and reducing. I think this is a good start to simplifying- removing the unnecessary, so the necessary can speak.
- Make a Sourdough starter and bake our bread, instead of buy: My excuse is that I have not been able to find ORGANIC grapes to make the starter. Looking for alternative recipe.
- Continue to maintain Debt Free lifestyle (Focus on mortgage pay down): We have been looking at homes and considering a move which would impact our pay down. I have to weigh having a nice, new home with retiring early.
- Grow an herb garden
- Go Sailing
- Sew something
- Use my Art Supplies
- Begin writing book
- Be the most amazing Matron of Honor EVER: Have committed to spending one weekend a month focused on the bride
- Go at least 4 times to see Jake's band play
- Remove the Mercury from my mouth: Dental appt March 13.
- Switch to healthier household cleaners: Using a lot of white vinegar lately and swapped out my laundry and dish soaps with healthier brands. Next step is to just toss out all those evil, unhealthy products lurking in my broom closet.
- Read 12 Books (1 per month): Almost complete with The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and re-reading the book Switch (How to Change when Change is Difficult)

- Replace my old furniture: New bedroom set, ottoman and sofa.

- Remodel the Rental Property: Contractor starts Monday, Feb 11, will be complete and ready for renting on March 1.
- Re-read Decision Modeling Text Book: Started this week. Was actually asked to sit in on a meeting where this method would benefit. So motivated to read more.
- Eat Better - Learn more about (and incorporate) more Raw and Fermented foods: Have increased sour kraut and more pickled vegetables.
- Take Weekend Away with My Sister
- Unplug on Sundays: So far so good!